Tuesday, November 4, 2008

1st Anniversary

Strange. When I think of the word "anniversary", I associate it with "happy anniversary" or "anniversary celebrations".

But not all anniversaries are happy; and there are some anniversaries that are not meant to be celebrated.

This is obviously in that category.

It's been a year, one full year. How are you?
Mummy loves you... Mummy misses you.

Daddy, mummy and jie jie visited you today, did you see us? Did you hear us? Did you feel our kisses? Did you "taste" the "porridge" that your sis "cooked" for you and fed you? She was so happy when she heard, in the car, that we are going to visit "di di".

Your jie jie Ashley is now a big girl. She loves babies; she would have loved having you around, she would have taken good care of you like a proper 'big sister', you should have seen how she lovingly cradles and rocks her uwah-uwah (doll) and sometimes Piglet. Though the next moment she would ruthlessly abandon her poor doll as she focuses on something else, but that's another story -- can't be helped lah, short attention span... You know that sister of yours...

You take good care of yourself ok? I know that's somewhat a tall order for a 5-and-a-half month wee baby... Mummy hopes someone is watching over you.

Love you. Remembering you. Everyday.